The aim of the foundation is to manage the creative assets of Fred Conlon and help raise the public profile of the artist in doing so giving back to the community.

The foundation is developiong a Creative Centre in Easkey Co. Sligo. Currently the Studios and Cottage are provided to the winner of the Fred Conlon Contemporary Sculpture Award for 4 months every year.

The foundation hopes to acquire some of Fred's larger pieces and create a scuplture trail in the area. The development of the Centre will show case a significant collection of the artists work that he created throughout his life.

With the creation of the video installation "become" by Frank Conway a lot of research and organistaion of material had been accomplished. The Foundation is hoping to create a documentary insight into the artist's life and works.

Fred Conlon

We welcome your correspondnce if you are interested in investing in these projects or working with us to achieve these goals.

Contact us for further information.

Email: [email protected]